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Isole Shetland

In the North Sea, to half road between Norway and the earth of Scotland, the Shetlands find, a mysterious earth and soaked of ancient history, where in full summer it is not almost never the sunset and the climate it is surprisingly mild. These islands are rich of wild fauna: ponies from the long and bristly hair turn in complete liberty and seals, otters to even whales can be seen, over whether to spy the enormous colonies of sea birds.

The archipelago of the Shetlands represents one of the most interesting areas in Europe for the sea birds, further to entertain a lot of other northern species that generally find to taller latitudes. In such a composite landscape the visitors ornithologists inevitably have to operate a selection. In reality it can be affirmed that every recess of the Shetlands is ideal for the one who loves to observe the birds, and that each of the inhabited islands is a pleasant place for a vacation.
The sea birds, said, they represent the principal attraction. The tall bluffs that tower on the sea have literally covered of birds: there am enormous quantity of guillemots, fulmars, kittiwakes and gannets. This last ones have established two colonies in the archipelago and they are easy to be observed; the places of nest-building of the storm petrel and the shearwater are not accessible instead. To the Shetlands they are common the great skua and the artic skua, both arctic species, that live of piracy, as it is used to say: they are able to make to release and even to regurgitate the food to the other birds, over whether to plunder the eggs and the small ones of it. Ponds and pastures of the inside entertain the red-throated diver, the dunlin, the whimbrel, the red-necked phalarope, the red-breasted merganser, the wigeon, the velvet scoter and, occasionally, the whooper swan. Other summer breeding species that can be observed are the eider, the snipe, the common sandpiper, the golden plover, the common tern and the artic tern.

The check-list represents the list of the species from me observed during the trip of the duration of two weeks, effected in July 1987.

Euring  Italian name Scientific name Notes
00020 Strolaga minore Gavia stellata quasi in ogni lago
00220 Fulmaro Fulmarus glacialis moltissimi ovunque
00710 Sula Morus bassanus molte localizzate
00720 Cormorano Phalacrocorax carbo pochi a St.Ninian Isle
00800 Marangone dal ciuffo Phalacrocorax aristotelis molti localizzati
01730 Volpoca Tadorna tadorna localizzata aVoe, Boddam, Grutness
01860 Germano reale Anas platyrhynchos a loch of Clickimin
01980 Moriglione Aythya ferina a loch of Clickimin
02030 Moretta Aythya fuligula a loch of Clickimin
02060 Edredone Somateria mollissima ovunque sulle rive del mare
02210 Smergo minore Mergus serrator 1 femmina e juv a Mid Yell
04500 Beccaccia di mare Haematopus ostralegus moltissime ovunque
04700 Corriere grosso Charadrius hiaticula molti localizzati
04850 Piviere dorato Pluvialis apricaria 1 a Hermaness Hill
04930 Pavoncella Vanellus vanellus molte ovunque
05190 Beccaccino Gallinago gallinago alcuni
05380 Chiurlo piccolo Numenius phaeopus molti nell'entroterra
05410 Chiurlo maggiore Numenius arquata alcuni sulle rive del mare,laghi
05460 Pettegola Tringa totanus molte sulle rive
05610 Voltapietre Arenaria interpres 3 alla scogliera di Grutness
05670 Labbo Stercorarius parasiticus molti ovunque
05690 Stercorario maggiore Catharacta skua moltissimi ovunque
05820 Gabbiano comune Larus ridibundus pochi
05900 Gavina Larus canus molte
05910 Zafferano Larus fuscus pochi ovunque
05920 Gabbiano reale nordico Larus argentatus molti ovunque
06020 Gabbiano tridattilo Rissa tridactyla molti sul mare
06150 Sterna comune Sterna hirundo poche sul mare
06160 Sterna codalunga Sterna paradisaea molte sul mare e laghi
06340 Uria Uria aalge moltissime sulle rocce
06360 Gazza marina Alca torda 6 a Isle of Noss
06400 Uria nera Cepphus grylle molte ovunque in mare
06540 Pulcinella di mare Fratercula arctica molti localizzati
06840 Tortora dal collare Streptopelia decaocto a Lerwick
07950 Rondone Apus apus 2
11460 Culbianco Oenanthe oenanthe  
11870 Merlo Turdus merula  
15670 Cornacchia Corvus corone ovunque
15720 Corvo imperiale Corvus corax alcuni ovunque
15820 Storno Sturnus vulgaris molti ovunque
15910 Passera europea Passer domesticus alcune


Attention: for the translation of these texts from Italian I have used the help of an automatic translation program; the signaling through e-mail of possible errors (and them the corrections) they will be welcome.

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