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Lakes of the Torrazzuolo of Nonantola (MO)

The area of Riequilibrio Ecologico The " Torrazzuolo " (following A.R.E.) is founded by the Town administration of Nonantola (MO). The A.R.E. insists in maximum part on terrestrial of ownership of the Partecipanza Agraria of Nonantola (around him 80%); the remainder departs it is of town and cliquish ownership. It places near the northeastern border of the town territory of Nonantola, to the confluence of the Turbid Channel with the Pit Bosca and the Pit Sorga, in place denominated the Torrazzuolo.

The A.R.E. is constituted by a central body coincident in good part with the places Valle di Sotto and Valle di Sopra (fig. 1), from which radiate different linear elements: channels, hedges and planted with trees rows. Particularly we have:

Both the damp zones are been rented to the Provincial Administration in Modena, Service Faunistico, Hunting and Fishing. The naturalistic management is effected by the LIPU section in Modena. The reforestation effected in the area they have happened almost exclusively using essences typical of the padana lowland.
(Extracted from:
A.Imperiale,E.Selmi,A.Zoboli - La fauna dell'Area di Riequilibrio Ecologico "Il Torrazzuolo" di Nonantola (MO): Anfibi,Rettili,Uccelli e Mammiferi. Atti Soc. Nat. Mat. Modena 129 (1998) 75-96 )

The check-list here brought reports the observations effected during 24 visits among the years 1980 and 1994.
The number brought in the column Frequency points out the number of times in here that species e has been observed: for example I have observed the purple heron only in 2 occasions on 24.

Euring Italian name Scientific name Frequency
00070 Tuffetto Tachybaptus ruficollis 13
00980 Tarabusino Ixobrychus minutus 2
01040 Nitticora Nycticorax nycticorax 5
01220 Airone cenerino Ardea cinerea 8
01240 Airone rosso Ardea purpurea 2
01860 Germano reale Anas platyrhynchos 15
01910 Marzaiola Anas querquedula 6
02020 Moretta tabaccata Aythya nyroca 1
02600 Falco di palude Circus aeruginosus 6
02630 Albanella minore Circus pygargus 1
02690 Sparviere Accipiter nisus 1
02870 Poiana Buteo buteo 6
03010 Falco pescatore Pandion haliaetus 1
03940 Fagiano comune Phasianus colchicus 1
04070 Porciglione Rallus aquaticus 1
04080 Voltolino Porzana porzana 1
04240 Gallinella d'acqua Gallinula chloropus 19
04290 Folaga Fulica atra 19
04550 Cavaliere d'Italia Himantopus himantopus 1
04930 Pavoncella Vanellus vanellus 2
05190 Beccaccino Gallinago gallinago 2
05410 Chiurlo maggiore Numenius arquata 1
05530 Piro piro culbianco Tringa ochropus 4
05540 Piro piro boschereccio Tringa glareola 3
05560 Piro piro piccolo Actitis hypoleucos 1
05820 Gabbiano comune Larus ridibundus 4
06870 Tortora Streptopelia turtur 1
07240 Cuculo Cuculus canorus 4
07670 Gufo comune Asio otus 1
08310 Martin pescatore Alcedo atthis 4
08560 Picchio verde Picus viridis 1
08760 Picchio rosso maggiore Picoides major 3
09810 Topino Riparia riparia 1
09920 Rondine Hirundo rustica 4
10010 Balestruccio Delichon urbica 3
10170 Cutrettola Motacilla flava 3
10200 Ballerina bianca Motacilla alba 1
10660 Scricciolo Troglodytes troglodytes 4
10990 Pettirosso Erithacus rubecula 9
11870 Merlo Turdus merula 9
11980 Cesena Turdus pilaris 1
12410 Forapaglie castagnolo Acrocephalus melanopogon 1
12530 Cannareccione Acrocephalus arundinaceus 3
12770 Capinera Sylvia atricapilla 6
13110 Lui' piccolo Phylloscopus collybita 7
13140 Regolo Regulus regulus 1
14640 Cinciallegra Parus major 1
14900 Pendolino Remiz pendulinus 5
15080 Rigogolo Oriolus oriolus 1
15490 Gazza Pica pica 2
15670 Cornacchia Corvus corone 1
15673 Cornacchia grigia Corvus corone cornix 14
15820 Storno Sturnus vulgaris 3
15980 Passera mattugia Passer montanus 1
16360 Fringuello Fringilla coelebs 1
16530 Cardellino Carduelis carduelis 2
18770 Migliarino di palude Emberiza schoeniclus 1
Attention: for the translation of these texts from Italian I have used the help of an automatic translation program; the signaling through e-mail of possible errors (and them the corrections) they will be welcome.

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