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Brought back the list of the 151 species that I have observed from 1983 in the case and neighboring zones .

Description of the environment

The bathtub has been realized with the aim of regulating the great capacities of the Channel of S.Giovanni and therefore used also like water reservoir of irrigation for the surrounding agricultural firms,of dilution for the urban unloadings of the neighboring centers, and for the breeding of the fish . It has an extension of approximately 30 hectares, little deep (in summer in the period in which the level of the water it is held high can exceed the meter and a half in some points), delimited from the channel S. Giovanni, from cultivations of poplars, fields cultivated in prevalence to medical grass, grain, beets and from some uncultivated ones. The case is delimited from a high bank little more than 2 meters, from a metallic enclosure and the access is prohibited. The vegetation to the inside is characterized from the presence of Fragmiteti and Tifeti along the perimetrale bank and in a good part of one of the zones in which it is uniform the bathtub from two low banks of inner separation, giving therefore shelter, nutriment and possibility of breeding to a great number of birds.

As short comment to the signalling of the species has been used the symbols:

followed by the maximum number of individuals that have been observed in the indicated day, that not only the one in which the species has been observed.
The number in the column Frequency points out the number of times in which that species has been observed: for example the White Stork has been observed only in an occasion.

List of observed species

Euring Italian name Scientific name Notes Frequency
00070 Tuffetto Tachybaptus ruficollis M reg B 70 (28/11/85) 365
00090 Svasso maggiore Podiceps cristatus M reg B 150 (20/9/86) 492
00120 Svasso piccolo Podiceps nigricollis M irr 4 (6/12/92) 14
00720 Cormorano Phalacrocorax carbo M reg 300 (17/02/96) 207
00950 Tarabuso Botaurus stellaris M irr 1 (7/11/87) 11
00980 Tarabusino Ixobrychus minutus M reg B 6 (1/7/89) 134
01040 Nitticora Nycticorax nycticorax M reg B 150 (21/8/85) 247
01080 Sgarza ciuffetto Ardeola ralloides M reg 3 (27/6/87) 19
01110 Airone guardabuoi Bubulcus ibis M irr 1 (6/4/96) 4
01190 Garzetta Egretta garzetta M reg 38 (3/9/88) 138
01210 Airone bianco maggiore Casmerodius albus M reg 13 (4/11/95) 73
01220 Airone cenerino Ardea cinerea SB.M reg 170 (15/6/96) 535
01240 Airone rosso Ardea purpurea M reg B irr 12 (27/7/86) 129
01310 Cicogna nera Ciconia nigra M irr 1 (27/8/88) 2
01340 Cicogna bianca Ciconia ciconia M irr 3 (20/4/91) 3
01440 Spatola Platalea leucorodia M irr 4 (28/4/90) 1
01472 Fenicottero Phoenicopterus roseus M irr 1 (23/7/93) 2
01520 Cigno reale Cygnus olor ? 4
01610 Oca selvatica Anser anser M irr 5 (8/2/97) 3
01730 Volpoca Tadorna tadorna M irr 11 (9/12/84) 12
01790 Fischione Anas penelope M reg,W irr 35 (27/11/93) 170
01820 Canapiglia Anas strepera M reg,W irr 10 (9/11/91) 53
01840 Alzavola Anas crecca M reg,W 190 (7/01/95) 257
01860 Germano reale Anas platyrhynchos SB 500 (7/01/95) 548
01890 Codone Anas acuta M reg 30 (14/3/86) 67
01910 Marzaiola Anas querquedula M reg, B irr 100 (20/8/94) 275
01940 Mestolone Anas clypeata M reg 79 (4/04/92) 167
01960 Fistione turco Netta rufina M irr 4 (8/06/86) 12
01980 Moriglione Aythya ferina M reg 120 (6/12/87) 222
02020 Moretta tabaccata Aythya nyroca M reg 10 (15/04/95) 30
02030 Moretta Aythya fuligula M reg.W irr 30 (28/11/85) 52
02150 Orco marino Melanitta fusca M irr 6 (12/11/88) 1
02180 Quattrocchi Bucephala clangula M irr, W irr 2 (26/11/88) 8
02200 Pesciaiola Mergus albellus M irr 4 (12/12/87) 2
02380 Nibbio bruno Milvus migrans M irr 1 (10/8/85) 4
02390 Nibbio reale Milvus milvus M irr 1 (5/11/88) 2
02430 Aquila di mare Haliaeetus albicilla M irr 2 (12/11/94) 10
02600 Falco di palude Circus aeruginosus M reg B 7 (23/03/96) 215
02610 Albanella reale Circus cyaneus M reg.W irr 2 (1/11/88) 18
02630 Albanella minore Circus pygargus M irr 1 (29/04/95) 2
02690 Sparviere Accipiter nisus M reg. W 1 (29/10/88) 34
02870 Poiana Buteo buteo M reg. W 3 (16/01/99) 82
03010 Falco pescatore Pandion haliaetus M reg 2 (20/09/86) 13
03040 Gheppio Falco tinnunculus M reg 2 (5/04/94) 23
03070 Falco cuculo Falco vespertinus M irr 2 (14/5/89) 1
03100 Lodolaio Falco subbuteo M irr 1 (14/8/86) 4
03200 Pellegrino Falco peregrinus M irr 1 (17/7/89) 3
03940 Fagiano comune Phasianus colchicus SB 12 (14/9/85) 500
04070 Porciglione Rallus aquaticus M reg 2 (1/10/88) 22
04080 Voltolino Porzana porzana M irr 1 (8/3/86) 7
04100 Schiribilla Porzana parva M irr 2 (27/8/88) 2
04240 Gallinella d'acqua Gallinula chloropus SB 60 (31/12/88) 484
04290 Folaga Fulica atra SB 700 (18/02/89) 494
04330 Gru Grus grus M irr 7 (31/10/87) 1
04550 Cavaliere d'Italia Himantopus himantopus M reg 106 (1/8/98) 110
04560 Avocetta Recurvirostra avosetta M irr 4 (15/3/97) 8
04650 Pernice di mare Glareola pratincola M irr 2 (3/5/86) 3
04690 Corriere piccolo Charadrius dubius M reg 30 (13/03/99) 157
04700 Corriere grosso Charadrius hiaticula M irr 8 (20/3/88) 18
04770 Fratino Charadrius alexandrinus M irr 1 (19/4/86) 2
04850 Piviere dorato Pluvialis apricaria M irr 1 (27/12/94) 4
04860 Pivieressa Pluvialis squatarola M irr 3 (6/10/90) 4
04910 Pavoncella gregaria Vanellus gregarius M irr 1 (30/10/94) 2
04930 Pavoncella Vanellus vanellus M reg. W 550 (9/12/94) 186
05010 Gambecchio Calidris minuta M reg 20 (23/09/95) 46
05020 Gambecchio nano Calidris temminckii M irr 1 (3/09/94) 5
05090 Piovanello Calidris ferruginea M irr 7 (3/09/88) 12
05120 Piovanello pancianera Calidris alpina M reg.W 30 (23/09/95) 77
05170 Combattente Philomachus pugnax M reg 200 (15/04/89) 142
05180 Frullino Lymnocriptes minimus M irr 1 (12/3/88) 1
05190 Beccaccino Gallinago gallinago M reg,W 80 (12/11/94) 303
05320 Pittima reale Limosa limosa M reg 450 (13/03/99) 90
05340 Pittima minore Limosa lapponica M irr 2 (30/3/85) 1
05380 Chiurlo piccolo Numenius phaeopus M irr 1 (10/08/96) 2
05410 Chiurlo maggiore Numenius arquata M reg. W irr 9 (27/9/86) 31
05450 Totano moro Tringa erythropus M reg 18 (31/08/91) 62
05460 Pettegola Tringa totanus M irr 2 (21/3/92) 10
05470 Albastrello Tringa stagnatilis M irr 5 (15/04/95) 5
05480 Pantana Tringa nebularia M reg 10 (15/04/89) 91
05530 Piro piro culbianco Tringa ochropus M reg 6 (31/03/85) 85
05540 Piro piro boschereccio Tringa glareola M reg. 40 (18/08/90) 110
05560 Piro piro piccolo Actitis hypoleucos M reg 10 (17/08/85) 46
05610 Voltapietre Arenaria interpres M irr 1 (8/8/87) 1
05780 Gabbianello Larus minutus M reg 20 (1/05/88) 31
05820 Gabbiano comune Larus ridibundus M reg,S 3500 (25/11/89) 460
05900 Gavina Larus canus M irr 13 (4/12/93) 31
05910 Zafferano Larus fuscus M irr 1 (26/9/87) 1
05926 Gabbiano reale Larus michahellis M reg 96 (6/01/94) 178
06050 Sterna zampenere Gelochelidon nilotica M irr 5 (17/08/91) 9
06060 Sterna maggiore Sterna caspia M irr 1 (14/05/90) 2
06150 Sterna comune Sterna hirundo M reg 6 (15/07/00) 22
06240 Fraticello Sterna albifrons M irr 2 (3/09/94) 3
06260 Mignattino piombato Chlidonias hybrida M reg. B irr 100 (14/07/84) 169
06270 Mignattino Chlidonias niger M reg 200 (6/05/89) 129
06280 Mignattino alibianche Chlidonias leucoptera M reg. 7 (6/05/89) 13
06700 Colombaccio Columba palumbus M irr 110 (10/10/85) 7
06840 Tortora dal collare Streptopelia decaocto S 4 (12/3/87) 2
06870 Tortora Streptopelia turtur M reg. 5 (30/06/85) 99
07240 Cuculo Cuculus canorus M reg 3 (18/06/95) 79
07570 Civetta Athene noctua S 2 (11/02/89) 7
07670 Gufo comune Asio otus M irr,B irr 2 (9/06/90) 3
07950 Rondone Apus apus M reg. 192
07980 Rondone maggiore Apus melba M irr 3 (23/03/96) 2
08310 Martin pescatore Alcedo atthis S 2 (8/07/95) 87
08400 Gruccione Merops apiaster M irr 1 (7/05/88) 1
08460 Upupa Upupa epops M irr 1 (1/09/85) 1
08560 Picchio verde Picus viridis S 1 (4/03/95) 6
08760 Picchio rosso maggiore Picoides major S 1 (15/04/95) 1
09760 Allodola Alauda arvensis SV 1 (17/02/01) 12
09810 Topino Riparia riparia M reg 131
09920 Rondine Hirundo rustica M reg, B 324
10010 Balestruccio Delichon urbica M reg 160
10110 Pispola Anthus pratensis M reg, W 2 (22/02/97) 15
10140 Spioncello Anthus spinoletta M irr 4 (14/03/98) 7
10170 Cutrettola Motacilla flava M reg, B 3 (1/08/85) 155
10200 Ballerina bianca Motacilla alba S 50 (28/01/95) 124
10660 Scricciolo Troglodytes troglodytes M reg, W 1 (19/11/94) 16
10990 Pettirosso Erithacus rubecula M reg, W 2 (10/02/90) 31
11060 Pettazzurro Luscinia svecica M irr 1 (1/04/95) 6
11210 Codirosso spazzacamino Phoenicurus ochruros M irr 1 (12/12/87) 2
11370 Stiaccino Saxicola rubetra M irr 1 (25/04/97) 7
11390 Saltimpalo Saxicola torquata SB 3 (21/10/90) 88
11460 Culbianco Oenanthe oenanthe M irr 1 (5/09/92) 1
11870 Merlo Turdus merula S, M reg 1 (18/03/00) 45
11980 Cesena Turdus pilaris M irr 50 (12/12/87) 1
12260 Beccamoschino Cisticola juncidis M reg 2 (14/10/95) 47
12510 Cannaiola Acrocephalus scirpaceus M reg 1 (24/4/86) 4
12530 Cannareccione Acrocephalus arundinaceus M reg, B 6 (14/05/88 78
13110 Lui' piccolo Phylloscopus collybita M reg. W 1 (18/03/00) 21
13150 Fiorrancino Regulus ignicapillus M irr 1 (1/04/89) 1
14900 Pendolino Remiz pendulinus M irr. 1 (4/03/95) 6
15080 Rigogolo Oriolus oriolus M irr 1 (08/07/95) 1
15150 Averla piccola Lanius collurio M irr 2 (11/05/96) 7
15200 Averla maggiore Lanius excubitor M irr 1 (5/09/92) 1
15390 Ghiandaia Garrulus glandarius M irr 1 (4/11/00) 1
15490 Gazza Pica pica M reg 7 (17/02/01) 29
15600 Taccola Corvus monedula M irr 2 (16/10/88) 3
15670 Cornacchia Corvus corone M irr 1 (9/11/91) 1
15673 Cornacchia grigia Corvus corone cornix SB 50 (8/12/94) 314
15820 Storno Sturnus vulgaris SB, M reg 2000 (14/9/85) 30
15912 Passera d'Italia Passer d. italiae SB 400
15980 Passera mattugia Passer montanus SB, M reg 8
16360 Fringuello Fringilla coelebs M irr 1 (21/12/91) 1
16400 Verzellino Serinus serinus M irr 2 (28/02/89) 1
16440 Venturone Serinus citrinella M irr 2 (20/02/99) 1
16490 Verdone Carduelis chloris SB, M reg 1 (10/08/96) 4
16530 Cardellino Carduelis carduelis SB, M reg 3 (21/09/85) 83
16540 Lucarino Carduelis spinus M irr 2 (29/10/88) 1
16600 Fanello Carduelis cannabina M irr 1 (4/12/93) 2
18770 Migliarino di palude Emberiza schoeniclus M reg, W 12 (27/11/85) 51
18820 Strillozzo Miliaria calandra M irr, B irr 1 (31/05/96) 4



CHIOSSI C., LEONI G. - L'avifauna della cassa di espansione del canale S.Giovanni a Manzolino di Castelfranco Emilia (MO) Picus Anno 16 (3): 121-127.1990.

BRICHETTI P. & MASSA B. - Check-List degli uccelli italiani Riv. It. Orn. 2a serie, 54:3-37. 1984.

FERRI M., RABACCHI R. & SELMI E. - Lo Svasso maggiore in provincia di Modena. Atti III Conv. ital. Orn., 152-154. 1985.

RABACCHI R. - Elenco sistematico con brevi note sugli uccelli nidificanti, di passo o accidentali nella provincia di Modena. Addendum 1983; Picus Anno 9 (1): 33-38.1983

RABACCHI R. - Resoconto ornitologico modenese 1984 Picus Anno Il (1) : 21-33.1985

RABACCHI R. - Resoconto ornitologico modenese 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988 Picus Anno 15 (2): 51-72.1989.

Attention: for the translation of these texts from Italian I have used the help of an automatic translation program; the signaling through e-mail of possible errors (and them the corrections) they will be welcome.

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